Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Studying bo techniques

For the record, bo practice has been more eventful than my bo blog thus far but it's still been a slow start. I'm in the last class of my Mater's program and that's taking a lot of attention and focus but I'm still very confident in being able to get my green chevron in 90 days.

What's great about GMAU is that I have classes to follow along but there are also separate lesson videos for every technique I need to learn. For me, that's the best place to start. So I've watched all of the lesson videos at least once and taken notes on the steps in each technique. I review the steps and practice and I log all that practice in my journal. I've got a few hours of practice done so I'm just over 10% done already.

The hardest part about this green chevron level is definitely the kata- that's like a martial arts dance routine. This one has four long sections with a lot of techniques all strung together into one piece. It took an hour today watching, pausing, re-watching, and writing down all the steps in Bo Kata 2. I remember thinking the first kata was difficult but this new one makes me miss it. Definitely looking forward to the point where I have the whole kata down. Maybe around that time I'll tell someone I have a bo staff blog.

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